Plains Elementary School's Mission Statement
Plains Elementary is a safe and peaceful place where all children have the right to
learn. It provides a nurturing environment where students feel safe, well cared for and respected by all our community. Our school-wide philosophy is characterized by a strong belief that our students need social-emotional skills to thrive in the classroom and in life.
Core Values
We believe:
● In promoting excellence in education. We are committed to providing the
necessary tools and level of challenge to ensure that each student achieves high
standards and is prepared to meet the challenges of lifelong learning.
● In recognizing student achievement with the expectation that each student will
use the resources available and strive to reach grade level standards and
● In a cooperative, responsive community,marked by the realization and respect of
individual differences. All members of the Plains School community will exhibit
respect for themselves and clothes by demonstrating tolerance through what
they say and do.
● In providing a safe environment which nurtures respect, curiosity, dignity and
self-worth for each individual.