Special Education
Bridge Program (LBLD)
South Hadley Public Schools offers developmentally appropriate Language-Based programming from grades 5-12. The Bridge Program is typically designed for students who have qualified for an IEP under the primary category of Specific Learning Disability (SLD) in the areas of Reading, Writing, and/or Mathematics. Students may also have comorbidities in the areas of Communication Disability (difficulties in expressive language), Executive Function, or Health (including ADHD). These students have average to above average reasoning skills and require a multi-sensory approach to support their reading, writing, listening, speaking and organizational skills.
Applicants will be referred for evaluation from the child’s IEP Team special and general education teacher. The Team will collect data and complete the eligibility document prior to discussing Bridge.
In Bridge, students receive English, Math, and academic support instruction in a small group setting taught by a special educator. The instruction is built around individual IEP goals and benchmarks while also focusing on essential Massachusetts State Frameworks and the Common Core State Standards. Curriculum and content are differentiated to include systematic multi-model, researched-based instruction. Students take Social Studies and Science classes within the partner classrooms with appropriate accommodations.
Through a language-based team-teaching approach, students are provided with consistent instructional methodology, which is highly structured and focuses on multiple modalities to support language processing and production. Study and executive functioning skills are emphasized throughout all classes. This model allows for reinforcement of strategies across all content areas: English, math, science and social studies. In addition to these language-enriched classes, students receive specialized reading instruction and consultation geared toward their individual needs. The overall goal of Bridge is to continue to develop literacy skills and strategies while providing supported access to grade-level curriculum.