Paws Program
The Paws program operates on the following beliefs: All students are capable of becoming active participants and contributing members of our school and community. Social integration in the school community is an essential component toward becoming a part of the larger community. Collaboration between home and school greatly increases successful educational outcomes. Inclusive teaching practices are heavily emphasized, and include: differentiated instruction, modifications, accommodations, and supplementary aids and services pertinent to the student’s level of need in the least restrictive environment. These practices are evident regardless of a student’s ability to function independently.
Paws Program Teachers
Karen O'Keefe-Walther
TTC Program- The MESMS TTC (Therapeutic Transitional Classroom) is for students whose primary needs are social, emotional, and/or behavioral. The program is designed for students whose needs require a smaller, structured therapeutic setting for all or part of the day. A higher staff to student ratio is maintained with individualized programming to meet students’ needs. The ultimate goal is for students to learn and practice appropriate social and/or coping skills for emotion regulation while working towards partial or complete inclusion in general education classes.